Temperature Control in the Office with Living Walls

Temperature Control in the Office with Living Walls

Temperature Control in the Office with Living Walls

Aug 1, 2024

With the onset of extreme heat, the unresolved debate resurfaces: temperature control in the office.

The challenge of maintaining an optimal environment in offices intensifies: fluctuations in temperature and humidity levels can complicate the management of thermal comfort, especially in high-density environments.

Office temperature is a crucial aspect included in an ergonomic study of the workplace: a systematic and careful description of the task or position to gather the necessary information.

In some cases, simple measuring instruments are needed, such as a luxometer for lighting, a sound level meter for noise, a thermometer for the thermal environment, etc. This involves analysing a set of variables that influence the worker’s well-being and comfort.

At Terapia Urbana, we understand the crucial importance of thermal and environmental well-being in the workplace.

According to INSST guidelines, maintaining a temperature between 23 and 26°C during summer is essential for the comfort and productivity of workers.

It is important to understand the repercussions of not adhering to these values and not working to improve employees‘ thermal comfort.

The consequences include:

  • Decreased concentration.
  • Reduced attention.
  • Dizziness, tiredness, and fatigue due to the additional effort the body must exert to regulate its temperature.
  • Reduction in performance and productivity, among many other aspects.

Traditional climate control solutions have limitations, and this is where living walls emerge as an innovative and sustainable alternative to significantly improve indoor environmental conditions:

Technical Benefits of Living Walls in Offices

Temperature and Humidity Regulation: Through the process of plant transpiration, living walls help maintain a stable interior microclimate, reducing the dependence on energy-intensive air conditioning systems and optimising the building’s energy consumption.

Improvement of Indoor Air Quality: Plants act as natural filters, absorbing air pollutants such as carbon dioxide and releasing fresh oxygen. This not only improves air quality but also contributes to respiratory health and the general well-being of occupants.

Reduction of Acoustic Impact: The plant structure of living walls acts as an effective acoustic barrier, absorbing and dissipating ambient sound. This creates a quieter work environment conducive to concentration and performance.

Psychological Benefits and Productivity: Studies have consistently shown that the presence of vegetation in indoor spaces reduces perceived stress, improves mood, and increases employee productivity. This positive effect on psychological well-being is fundamental to a healthy and motivating work environment.

Sustainability and Environmental Footprint: By integrating living walls, buildings not only improve their energy efficiency and reduce their carbon footprint but also promote more sustainable construction and operational practices.

At Terapia Urbana, we specialise in the planning and implementation of urban nature solutions.

We want to advise you on the strategic integration of living walls that transform your workspace into a healthier, more efficient, and sustainable environment.

Contact us today!